[리눅스] phpMyAdmin, ‘Error #2002 – The server is not responding’, and OS X 10.x

“Open a terminal, type in “ls -al /etc/php.ini*”

If a php.ini does not exist copy over the default php.ini, “sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default /etc/php.ini”

Now edit the php.ini, “sudo nano /etc/php.ini” (or use your prefered editor)
Find “mysql.default_socket” (you can search using [Ctrl]+[w] in nano)

Enter “/tmp/mysql.sock” after the equals sign.

Don’t forget to save the file ([Ctrl]+[o] [Enter] in nano)

Now restart Apache, “sudo apachectl graceful”

출처 : http://www.hunskorea.com/wordpress/?p=61