How to add SVN plugin for STS ?
Spring source comes with default plugin for CVS. They had SVN plugin but it was removed in release 2.3.1 for following reason
We removed the Collabnet SVN from the Extension install for non-Windows platforms as we were seeing lots of issues with the SVN Java native bindings on Linux and Mac.
So if you want to install SVN support please manually install Subclipse or Subversive from their respective update sites.
Currently we can’t provide a solution that works on all platforms due to licensing restrictions on SVNKit. The good news is that we are currently going through the legal process to obtain a SVNKit redistribution license for STS. Once this agreement is in place we can add Subclipse and/or Subversive to the Extension install
Here is how to add the SVN plugin ig you need it
1. Open the STS dashboard.
2. Go to Extensions. This is under help and documentation.
3. Look for Subeclipse. Check the checkbox and click Install.
If you do not see Subeclipse it implies that it is already installed on your IDE.
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